Sunday, January 15, 2012

Here are some feelings

After countless cups of hot water flavored weakly with lemon, I’m finally feeling only slightly rehydrated. This is a terrible feeling. I want to make the egg drop soup I had promised myself this morning, when I caved and ate the excessively salty soup I bought from Trader Joe’s. And it wasn’t even good. Fresh ingredients, people! Onward to the kitchen, she hobbles.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

You are what you eat

I feel really shitty. I don’t want to say anything in particular because I know that admitting it will just make it true, and I can’t handle it because I’m a non-confronter of these sorts of issues.
Right, so I could either sleep now and hope for better feelings in the morning, or I could continue reading The Fault in Our Stars which I’ve only just started, because I was sort of putting it off in order for it to last as long as possible. However, I’m extremely anxious to read it and I want to form my own thoughts about it, so I’m just going to get on with it now.
But if I stay awake, I’m going to need reinforcements. Like, Ritz crackers and Gouda cheese. And maybe some tomato soup. Last night I ate, like, complete garbage after treating my body so well all day. So much sugar, salt, fat. No wonder I felt like shit all day.