Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm so bad at this! Live!*

This blog post was originally meant to be a video, but since this blog is kind of an accompaniment to my YouTube channel, I'll talk about it here:

I've been a "professional" viewer of the YouTubes since December 2009, when I watched my first vlogbrothers video.

Since then, I've discovered so many different youtubers that I love to watch, and until recently, I'd been keeping a mental checklist of all of the potential videos I'd like to make once I finally got my own channel.

A few of the videos I've made so far have been video responses, and there are so many more that I'd still like to do. Is it weird that I want to respond to videos that were made over two years ago?

I want to be a vlogger, a BookTuber, a beauty/fashion guru; I want to talk about my favorite recipes, science, mythology, movies, everything. I may want to sing a song one day.

So.. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you can expect a lot of varied types of videos, because I don't know what type of YouTuber I am yet, and I don't know if I'll ever really pick a category. This is pretty much going to be a representation of everything I enjoy.

Since I'm still figuring out what to do on this channel, I'd really appreciate it if you all could leave me some feedback or suggestions, either in comments here, on the videos, or on Facebook. That would be brilliant. Thanks for watching! ...whatever this is.

*in case anyone was wondering, the title is a reference to Hank Green's album of the same name. Yup.

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